2 Everyday challenges
Example 1:
Lars is a good engineer. Unfortunately, his increasing consumption of alcohol has been depriving him of his ability to work regularly. He hasn't had a job for quite a while. He has been married to his wife Sabrina, a respected nurse, for five years.
When they met, Lars was the gregarious type who only drank too much at the occasional party. However, pressure had built up when his company had begun to lay off people. As old friends disappeared, those remaining spent more time in the pub wondering where the axe would fall next. Lars did not share his worries with Sabrina but of course she knew what was going on in his head. She understood and tolerated his in-creasing need for a last stiff drink before going to bed.
Months had passed and Lars had begun to miss days at work. No, he said, it was not the hangovers. After all, what was the point of working on his career when he was going to be made redundant anyway? Sabrina had not been unhappy when he had eventually lost his job. She saw it as a chance for him to get his act together again and to start afresh in a new company. She had under-stood the need to put their plans for a family on hold. Of course they could not have children when times were so uncertain...
Maybe it was not Lars fault that he had not been able to find a permanent job. The periods between jobs began to get longer and Lars self-confidence began to erode. He had been a fitness freak and a snazzy dresser but now he was spending more time in bed and not looking after himself when he did get up. He became increasingly moody and withdrawn and often began drinking in the early afternoon.
Even though she was an experienced nurse, it was a while before Sabrina accepted that her husband had a problem with alcohol and needed medical assistance. It took her some time to find the courage to say this to Lars. He assured her that he was in control. Sure, he was on a bit of a downer but wasn't that understandable? He could stop drinking anytime!
Increasingly, Sabrina found herself defend-ing Lars against barbs from her family and friends. She still believed in him but she could feel her own strength draining away. Sometimes she found herself wondering if their relationship had a future.
Example 2:
Elke and Julian have had two happy years together. Unfortunately, Elke has recently been suffering from abdominal pain, which has been making it difficult to be intimate with Julian. She is reluctant to tell Julian who will only worry unnecessarily. Deciding to keep things to herself, Elke is sure the pain will go away of its own accord. When it does not, she tries some natural remedies. She doesn't think much of doctors. How-ever, weeks and then months pass and the pain does not get better.
Meanwhile, Julian has noticed a disimprovement in their relationship. Elke has become increasingly withdrawn and doesn't seem to desire him as much as she used to. He wonders if he has done something to annoy or hurt her but he can't think what. He doesn't know what to do.